Complaints Procedure
Steps for Customers:
1. Raise the complaint within 30 days of the issue being known to the customer or their representative.
2. Explain the problem clearly, including any actions taken so far.
3. Allow Holden Grange Ltd 10 working days to address the formal complaint, understanding that some circumstances may require more time.
4. Be available at any agreed times in order to clarify any information relating to the complaint.
Stage 1:
Submit your formal complaint in writing, including:
- Details of the complaint, with dates and times.
- Names of those involved (if known).
- The impact on you.
- The customers desired outcome.
Contact Details:
Address: Holden Grange Ltd, 140 Norwood Road, Southport, PR8 6EH
Phone: 0808 164 4440
Admin opening times: Monday to Friday, 9am to 5.30pm.
Complaints sent by email will receive a written response within 10 working days of receipt.
Complaints received by mail will be responded to by 1st class post within 10 working days of receipt unless an email address is provided in the correspondence.
Complaints received by telephone are responded to within 10 working days of receipt by either email or post, whichever suits the customer best.
Complaints received in person via a visit to the head office site on Norwood Road are responded to within 10 working days of receipt by either email or post, whichever suits the customer best.
Stage 2:
If unsatisfied with the ARC Manager's response, you may escalate your complaint to the Managing Director using the contact details in stage 1. Acknowledgment will be provided within 4 working days, with a response from the Managing Director within 10 working days.
If a matter requires more time, you will receive an interim response detailing the steps being taken and when a full reply can be expected.
Final Stage:
If the customer remains dissatisfied, the customer can escalate the complaint to TEC Quality (TSA):
The TEC Quality (TSA) is a recognised accreditation framework set by the Technology Enabled Care (TEC) Services Association, which ensures that organisations providing TEC services meet high standards of quality, safety, and customer care. It promotes best practices in delivering technology-enabled solutions, such as alarm monitoring, telecare, and digital health services, to enhance the safety and wellbeing of service users. The framework is designed to support continuous improvement, regulatory compliance, and excellence in service delivery.
TEC Quality (TSA):
Phone: 01625 520320
Address: Suite 8, Wilmslow House, Grove Way, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AG
Complaints from Representatives of End Users
If a complaint is made by a representative acting on behalf of an end user, Holden Grange requires proof of authority before addressing the issue. This ensures compliance with GDPR and data protection regulations.
Accepted Proof of Authority:
Signed Letter of Consent: The representative must provide a signed letter from the end user granting them authority to act on their behalf. The letter must clearly state:
The name and contact details of the end user.
The name and contact details of the representative.
The scope of the authority granted to the third party
Signature of the end user. This must match the signature held on file for the end user
Power of Attorney (POA): If the representative holds a legal Power of Attorney (POA) for the end user, evidence of this must be provided if it is not already on file. Acceptable forms of evidence include:
A copy of the POA document, certified as true by a solicitor or notary.
Verification of the document’s validity if requested.
Retention of Records
All complaints will be retained on record for a minimum of 3 years and will be made available to TEC QSF (TSA) as part of Holden Grange’s ongoing audits.